ALL ABOARD!! Who is or knows a model railroader or rabid train fan?! It doesn't matter whether it's "real" trains, Lionel, MTH (Mike's Train House), K-Line, Atlas, American Flyer, LGB, Bachmann or others -- and scale doesn't really matter either: HO, O, G, N, O27... Coal, steam, diesel... Everyone has their go-to but they all have one thing in common -- they LOVE trains! Train people are special -- so give them (or yourself!) something just as special and unique!
Personalize this sign with custom text like your family's last name front or the city/state and year you want to commemorate! Maybe you have a short train-related saying that you just love! Add a little decor to your environment, inside or out, because this cool sign is fully powder coated and will withstand years of the elements! Anyone who loves trains will appreciate this plaque as a gift. Since it comes in multiple metal tones and can be mounted/displayed both indoors and outdoors, this piece provides tons of options for every family and every decor!
Display this sign over your fireplace, in your train room, your man cave (or she shed, so as not to be sexist!) -- there's no bad place to have a train!
Please note that item does not come with mounting hardware BUT don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Purchase our unique, optional magnetic hanging system here.
Customization Considerations:
- Production can take up to 7 business days but is often shorter.
- Shipping takes from 5-7 business days depending on carrier used and is outside our control.
- If you've run up against a gift deadline and production/shipping is an issue, we can provide you with a "delayed gift" email that you can send to your recipient, and you can include any personal note you wish.
Shipping and Route Package Protection Services are included in the price shown. Route Protection is a relatively painless way to get instant coverage for damage during shipment, mis-delivery by the post office/shipping carrier or even if a porch pirate absconds with your package! A few clicks and a replacement item is on its way to you. Certain exclusions apply.
- The personalization preview for each of our signs will show you the exact text that will appear on your finished product. It is a visual approximation of the product you will receive
- Text spacing may possibly be altered slightly for a better fit and more professional look on the finished product.
- What you see in the preview is exactly what you will receive. **Please note**: your input is not spellchecked so please be very careful about confirming your spelling, street numbers, etc. prior to checkout.
- Because these items are personalized to your specifications, they cannot be returned if you provide incorrect information!
- Do not use emojis or emoticons as part of your input.
- Certain punctuation such as hyphens (dashes) will not appear on your final piece. We recommend periods or slashes in their place.
- Product may take up to 5 business days although many will be completed more quickly.
- Flat $8 shipping regardless of size chosen
Product Actual Dimensions (inch):
- 12 - 11.5" x 11"
- 15 - 14.5" x 13.75"
- 18 - 17.5" x 16.75"
- 24 - 23.5" x 22.5"
- 30 - 29.5" x 28.25"
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